与开放课本相对应的是开放教学法。最近,开放资源研究的关注点转向了其给教学带来的机会。戴维·威利(David Wiley)认为,当教育者采用重新使用、重新混搭、重新改编、重新分发和重新保存(Reuse, Remix, Revise, Redistribute, and Retain)的“5Rs”流程时,开放教学法出现了。更为重要的是,开放课本能够改变学生和知识之间的原有关系。“知识不是固定和静态的,它是一个有学习者参与的持续过程”。开放课本的可改编性意味着它不再是静态资源,而是动态的内容。作为学习的一部分,学习者可以编辑和修订开放课本。
弗吉尼亚的潮水社区学院(Tidewater Community College)推出了名为Z-degree的开放课本项目。学生能够零成本地使用课本学习,进而获得学位。使用开放课本推动了课程的重新设计,教育者需要为学生提供适应开放课本的完整课程内容。这种做法同远程教育类似,包含一整套资源,但是只能在校园内使用并提供支持。使用开放课本提升了招生率、学生留存率和课程通过率。
罗宾·德罗萨(Robin DeRosa)使用开放课本取代了售价100美元的课本,基于WordPress网站在线提供该课本,并让学生对其进行编辑。这使学生有机会修订文本,摘录更长的内容,添加章节前的导言,提供讨论题,并添加交互视频。资深在线教学专家劳拉·吉布斯(Laura Gibbs)反转了教学过程,基于学生利用开放资源构建的内容进一步编写了她的课程。这两个案例都是开放课本的创新应用。
1) This chapter uses examples to illustrate the empowering potential of open pedagogy:DeRosa, R., & Robison, S. (2017). From OER to open pedagogy: harnessing the power of open. In R.S. Jhangiani & R. Biswas-Diener (Eds.), Open: The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science (pp. 115-124). London, UK: Ubiquity Press. License: CC-BY 4.0 www.ubiquitypress.com/site/chapters/10.5334/bbc.i/
2) Blog post reporting an interview with an educator who uses open textbooks:Gibbs, L (2014). The UnTextbook: an OER interview http://anatomy.lauragibbs.net/2014/09/the-untextbook-oer-interview.html
3) Blog posts and responses that consider what it means to be open:Groom, J. (2017). I don’t need permission to be open http://bavatuesdays.com/i-dont-need-permission-tobe-open
4) Examination of how much money students can save when open textbooks are used:Hilton III, J. L., Robinson, T. J., Wiley, D., & Ackerman, J. D. (2014).
5) Cost savings achieved in two semesters through the adoption of open educational resources. The International Review of Research in Open andDistributed Learning, 15(2). http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/1700
6) Research on cost savings:Hilton III, J. (2016). Open educational resources and college textbook choices: a review of research on efficacy and perceptions. Educational Technology Research and Development, 64(4), 573-590. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11423-016-9434-9
7) Detailed analysis of use and impact of BC Campus open textbooks:Jhangiani, R. S., Pitt, R., Hendricks, C., Key, J., & Lalonde, C. (2016).
8) Exploring Faculty Use of Open Educational Resources at British Columbia Post-Secondary Institutions. http://bit.ly/2hep3l3
9) Making the case that open textbooks are as good as, if not better than, purchased ones:Shafer, K. (2014) The Critical Textbook http://www.digitalpedagogylab.com/hybridped/critical-textbook
10) Blog posts on the meaning of openness and open pedagogy:Wiley, D. (2017). How is open pedagogy different? / When opens collide. https://opencontent.org/blog/archives/4943https://opencontent.org/blog/archives/4990
11) Introduction to the INTRO (increased tuition revenue through OER) model:Wiley, D., Williams, L., DeMarte, D., & Hilton, J. (2016).
12) The Tidewater Z-Degree and the INTRO model for sustaining OER adoption. Education Policy Analysis Archives/Archivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas, 24. http://epaa.asu.edu/ojs/article/view/1828